
Introducing Rikku's blogg

Peço imensas desculpas por só agora postar de novo, mas estive bastante ocupada e sem acesso a internet... u.u
Hoje venho apresentar-vos uma das minhas bloggers preferidas: Rikku from Rikku's Blogg.
Ela tem 20 anos e vive na Suécia... Os seus outfits variam entre Himekaji, Onee Gyaru, Rokku e Amekaji...
Aqui ficam alguns outfits dela...

I apology for posting only now , but I've been quite busy and without internet access ... u.u
Today I introduce you to one of my favorite bloggers: Rikku from Rikku's Blogg.
She is 20 years old and lives in Sweden ... She uses Himekaji, Onee Gyaru, Rokku and Amekaji ...

Here are some of her outfits ...

O meu preferido ^w^ 
My favorite ^w^






Rikku's Blog: http://rikku.se/
Rikku's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Rikku.se
Rikku's Lookbook: http://lookbook.nu/rikku
Rikku's Tumblr: http://magicuu.tumblr.com/
Rikku's Twitter: https://twitter.com/magicuu
Rikku's Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/rikkuswe

Espero que gostem dela...
Hope you like her...

~ Megumi ~

P.S.: Que vocês gostariam que aparecesse aqui no blog??
        What would you like to appear here on the blog?

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