But let's get to "business". Because I've neglegected you I intend, with this post, to beg your forgive xD
Soo, let's get started.
Well, all this time that I was away Liz Lisa has changed their website design. This is what it looks like now:
Also they have uploaded their online store website with five more pick up coordinates pots.
Here they are:
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 51❤

I love the first florar dress OwO
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 52❤

I love almost all of Liz Lisa Jackets! Next time I go to my aunt's house I'm going to ask my mom to change almost all of my jackets and put them like the liz lisa ones with those cute wavy patterns ^W^
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 53❤

The first dress! O.O And the boots!! I simply love that boots!! If anyone is selling them please let me know! I'm interested in them, but only if it is a good price!! ^^''
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 54❤

Why is it that I just like the last skirt and knit and the shoes o.o? Strange.....
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 55❤

Also they have uploaded their online store website with five more pick up coordinates pots.
Here they are:
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 51❤
I love the first florar dress OwO
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 52❤
I love almost all of Liz Lisa Jackets! Next time I go to my aunt's house I'm going to ask my mom to change almost all of my jackets and put them like the liz lisa ones with those cute wavy patterns ^W^
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 53❤
The first dress! O.O And the boots!! I simply love that boots!! If anyone is selling them please let me know! I'm interested in them, but only if it is a good price!! ^^''
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 54❤
Why is it that I just like the last skirt and knit and the shoes o.o? Strange.....
❤Pick Up Coordinates Number 55❤
By the way, I forgot to tell you but I now have a personal blog where I post about not only gyaru but other things that I like such as lolita, visual kei, anime, manga, otome games, and other things that aren't related to Japan, although I do write in English and Japanese, as a way to practice my japanese ^^''... Feel free to take a peak, follow and comment ^w^ It's called めぐみのブログ which means Megumi's blog ^w^
Now it's time for another Interview. This time we will continue to introduce you to the portuguese gyaru. ^w^
* What's your name?
Joana Raquel Gonçalves Teixeira Bernardo.
* Do you have a nickname?
* How old are you?
16 years old.
* Where are you from?
* What's your profession.?
* Do you have blog/facebook/twitter? (opcional)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joanabernardopower?fref=ts
Blog: http://misakiiprecurechan.blogspot.pt/
* How did you discovered gyaru?
From the Internet , youtube.
* What is your favourite substyle?
Hime Gyaru.
* When did you started to have interest in the style?
When I discovered a SuiPrincess's video, and then I started searching and I loved it.
* Do you follow any other style apart from gyaru?
My own style.
* Do you have any japanese gal inspiration? If yes, who?
Yes. Tsubasa undoubtly.
* Do you have any gaijin gal inspiration? If yes, who?
* What are your favourite brands?
Liz Lisa and Ma*rs.
* Do you use gyaru everyday?
No, because I only have 30 minutes in the morning and it's not enough. I only use the circle lenses.
* What is your parents and friends reaction towards the style?
A bit bad: some are indifferent, other criticize.
* When your walking in the streets dressed in gyaru, how do people react to your look?
They stare a little bit. The was a time that a kid said to his father screaming: "Look daddy, a doll!". ^W^
* For you is being a gyaru difficult?
A little bit, it's expensive, it needs time and lots of pacience.
* Are ther any other gyaru girls in your country?
It's really rare.
* Have you ever changed someone into gyaru?
Yes ^w^
* Which make up do you prefere: lighter and natural or darker and extravangant?
Natural, that highlights me.
* Do you usually wear make up everyday? If yes, wich type of make up do you use?
Yes, everyday hahahah. Golden eyeshadow, black eyeliner, blush, lipstick, the essencial ^w^
* What are your favourite hairstyles and what are the ones that you use more frequently?
Curls and straight, simple.
* What is your skin care routine?
I don't really have any. I just use Johnson baby, which is really good to the face in my opinion, and sometimes I do an exfoliation.
* What is your hair care routine?
I wash my hair with warm water, a good shampoo, the one that I use is from Elvire with purpurins *w* and a good condicioner. After all rinse well. Put some nutritive oil in the air, and dry well. Better than ever!
* Do you have some japanese knowledge?
I know the minimum ! ahahaha xD
* What type of music do you hear?
I hear trance, jumpstyle. I'm the type of person who listens to BUMBUM then to slow musics.
* What are your tips to someone who is starting?
To be calm and to have pacience. Lots of pacience because it's really irritating in the begginning because nothing fits well. Nothing stays in its place. The lenses are horrible to put in the begginning, and the lashes... I don't even talk about them -.-. It takes too long to choose our clothes and then it doesn't fits well and our foundation is too strong..... Sooo, the best is to have pacience and to train!
And that's it for today! Bai bai ~~~~
Btw don't forget to comment!
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